Péter Horváth

Quick bio

I am a PhD Student at the Institute of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest. My research interests are in empirical macroeconomics and monetary policy. My ongoing research covers topics on

  • the impact of monetary shocks on the housing market,
  • NLP applications in monetary policy analysis,
  • traditional macroeconometrics.

See more on my research here.

I am currently on the 2024/25 job market.


  • Macroeconomics (Business Economics BA, Applied Economics BA and Actuarial and Financial Mathematics MSc)
  • Microeconomics (Business Economics BA and Applied Economics BA)
  • International Economics (Business Economics BA and Economics and Financial Mathematics MSc)

More information on the courses is available at the website of Corvinus University of Budapest.


email: horvathpeter970217-at-gmail.com or peter.horvath16-at-stud.uni-corvinus.hu