Curriculum Vitae

Last update: 2024/06/04

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Research Interest

Applied econometrics, empirical macroeconomics, machine learning methods. Currently, I am working on natural language processing applications in monetary policy analysis.

Previous Positions and Research Experiences

  • Summer Research Intern – International Monetary Fund (2023)
    • My projectwas titled “Monetary transmission in a fragmented uncertain world” in the Strategy, Policy, and Review department’s Macro Policy division. In this paper we investigated how economic uncertainty impacts the monetary transmission mechanism using Threshold VAR models estimated with sign restrictions across various countries. We found that in times of high uncertainty, monetary shocks are followed by a larger and longer-lasting contraction of output, than in normal times. However, our results show no significant difference in the reaction of inflation rates, indicating that uncertainty increases the cost of reducing inflation. Our results also suggest that more extreme levels of uncertainty amplify this effect.

Conferences and presentations

  • IMF SPR Summer Intern Research Seminar
    • 2023: Monetary transmission in a fragmented uncertain world - Washington D.C.
  • Hungarian Society of Economist Yearly Conference
    • 2022: The Impact of Uncertainty on Monetary Transmission - Pécs

Teaching experience

  • Lecturer
    • Macroeconomics (Business Economics BA, Applied Economics BA and Actuarial and Financial Mathematics MSc)
    • Microeconomics (Business Economics BA and Applied Economics BA)
    • International Economics (Business Economics BA and Economics and Financial Mathematics MSc)
  • Teaching Assistant
    • Microeconomics (Business Economics BA)
    • Macroeconomics (Business Economics BA)
    • Game Theory (Applied Economics BA)
    • Macroeconomic Modeling (Applied Economics BA)
    • Advanced Macroeconomics (Economic Analysis Msc and Economics and Financial Mathematics MSc)


  • 2021- : PhD in Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest
    • Advisor: István Kónya
    • Thesis: Essays on Monetary Transmission
  • 2022-2024: MSc in Quantitative Economics at Eötvös Lóránd University
  • 2019-2020: MSc in Economic Analysis at Corvinus University of Budapest
  • 2016-2019: BA in Applied Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest

Work experience

  • Hungarian Ministry of Finance (2020 - 2022)
    • I was responsible for monthly reports and forecasts of tax revenues (personal income tax, social security contributions, lump-sum tax of small entrepreneurs), as well as creating policy scenarios using micro-simulation techniques on tax return data.


  • Language
    • English: C1 certificate: general (2016)
    • German: B2 certificate: general (2019)
  • IT skills:
    • Proficient: R, Microsoft Office
    • Advanced: Stata
    • Intermediate: Matlab

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